- Actively recover mentally and physically.
- Stimulate growth of new neural pathways, more oxytocin and serotonin, and sleep (aging is caused by lack of recovery).
- Reframe any avoidance-focused goals into approach-focused.
- Balance have-tos with want-tos: Determine which tasks are “want-to” and “have-to”. Create additional “want-to” tasks to ensure there are equal number of both. Rank the “have-to” tasks by priority. Alternate the “want-to” and “have-to” tasks.
- When you fail in your self control it’s because you’re motivated to keep an optimal balance between have-to and want-to tasks. The way to resolve feelings of inefficacy, and to recover from burnout, is to create an ideal balance between your have-tos and want-tos.
Mental health and no burnout
SMART goals
Psych diary
Reverse aging

Burn stored fat

Maximise MPS

- https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1113/jphysiol.2011.225003
- Kumar, 2009, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19164770/
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2019.00147/full, and Burd 2011
- Res, 2012 and Snijders 2015).
- https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1550-2783-9-54
- Pennings, 2011)(https://www.nutritiontactics.com/measure-muscle-protein-synthesis/
- University of Birmingham
- Areta 2014
- https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1096/fj.201700158RR
- https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2015182).
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2019.00147/full
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2732256/ - https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.640621/full.
Ox sat, symm, stgth/power/flex
Oxygen saturation
- Buteyko Nose Breathing
- Sit up straight
- Keeping the mouth closed, inhale slowly through the nostrils to fill the lungs. One hand on the stomach to feel diaphragm expand.
- Exhale through the nostrils, slowly expelling air from the lungs, until you feel compelled to inhale.
- Repeat steps two and three five times
- The Breather (or Airofit or Powerbreathe)
- Fresh air and plants
- Heel lift if <15mm / 1.5cm (use Sorbothane). Full length, 50% tapered if for athletics (source: research)
- Stretch: 3 x 10 seconds, 2x per day (Meari Ono, physio)
- Lizard: Foot outside hand, stretch back and front
- Pretzel: On back, R knee bent, L foot on right thigh, hands locked under L leg. Stretch glutes.
- Lower back exercise: Bird dog, superman, arch lying on back (reverse superman), side plank on hand, leg swings.
- Don’t run for training other than light on soft ground (3x force).
Strength, power and flexibility
Muscles and tendons, which move bones
Warm up properly, don’t twist particularly with knees, don’t bounce repeatedly.
3 sets after high rep initial set, 8-15 reps to failure (DONT HOLD BREATH), 30-60 second rest, increase weights.
Brain – exercise productively and rest
- Use the brain – make tasks as productive as possible to use your brain the most.
- Brain needs to rest to develop the DMN – coordinated communication between disparate brain regions. Meditation strengthens connections between regions of the default mode network
- Figure 8s, moving, distance; pinhole glasses.
- Avoid direct heat, glare and cellphone. Don’t hold breath weightlifting (glaucoma risk).
- Avoid macular degeneration
- Sunglasses/hat.
- AVOID BLUE LIGHT on PC and phone: people who consumed too few antioxidants, in combination with overexposure to blue light, were four times more likely to develop AMD.
- Diet: Vit A (carrots), fruit and nuts, Omega 3, dark/leafy greens (spinach or collard).
- Exercise – need oxygen for retina.
My teeth and gums are strong and healthy – I avoided teeth mobility. Remove bad bacteria 2x/day:
- 1. Sonicaire w/ baking soda: DONT brush 3x per day, only 2x per day, else wear away enamel.
- 2. Floss: Floss slowly, take time, wrap both sides of teeth. Don’t go straight down as can cut and scar gums, which allows bacteria to enter. Different size Piksters. DONT FORCE else can create gaps (Yasmin Akrum).
- 3. Antibacterial rinse
- 4. Reduce grinding pressure (hard splint)
- Speaking is physical exercise. Read out loud daily in English and French.
- Jaw open 5 seconds + side to side with thumb between teeth + hard splint (Ajith Polonowita).
10 second holds. Not in first 90 minutes on waking as spine too hydrated.
Add more value than anyone else does
Identity, Values, Goals – in that order
Identity, Values, Goals – in that order.
- Identity doesn’t rely on or isn’t attached to things out of your control, so much more sensible and powerful (10-20). In Trello.
Find a way to add more value than anyone else does.
Find a way to add more value than anyone else does. Be the person who does more for others.
The process is to work harder on yourself than anything else.
(Jim Rohn and Anthony Robbins)
Main life areas
- Sleep 8h per day. Sleep when tired, wake when rested. Quiet, dark, cool environment.
- Plant based diet + 8 glasses of pure water per day.
- Intermittent fasting: 7pm to midday. Lowers insulin
- Exercise: Warm-up, careful on transitions and twists, resistance to failure, BREATHING, warm-down, stretch (10 second holds). 6 days per week.
- Avoid accidents: slow speed – particularly if influenced by gravity or slippery road, margin of error, protect head and face. Avoid repetitive strain injury. Be careful of things that cut or burn.
- Avoid unhealthy wear and tear: Be very careful of your jaw; don’t stretch it. Heal source (12-19)
- Transcendental meditation, 20 minutes per day, then goals on timer (auto). Read Bliss More by Light Watkins
Track diet: Immediately after eating, on MyFitnessPal app (or site). Track weight and composition on Nokia Body+ scale.
Speed read daily: Complex material for understanding and recall. Leaders are readers.
Spiritual and psychology
Trello: Mission, beliefs, method
First, have strategies to exit pain and worry. CAN’T just layer on positive condition over the top of strong pain – the pain is still there. Pain can disappear VERY quickly with some thought/beliefs on how to exit it.
Speaking: practice reading out loud, tonal variation, diaphrahm breathing, “brrr” to relax lips, speak with thumb between teeth, open jaw and hold 5 sec (+ side to side)
Decision making: Make decisions fast, solve annoyances quickly, interrupt negative patterns very quickly (as anything repeated with emotion builds neural pathways/highways).
- PrOACT: Problem, Objective, Alternatives, Consequences, Tradeoffs.
- Write down decision: GDocs for topic, or Trello if decision has greater than 1% impact on life.
Relationship rules: Accept what you can’t control. If you learn about what you can and can’t control you have the ability to both accept some things, and also to create more successful behaviors. If you are upset at people breaking rules, that’s the opposite of learning and creating successful behaviors.
Budget: Spend <= discretionary spending calculated in this file. Track in Wallet app (at the time of expenditure)
My role fully uses and slightly stretches my natural talents. I am in high paid ($200k+) work I am consistently successful at, with successful healthy happy politics, I consistently motivate my staff.
I live in a town/city where I am happy, and where I also meet my other needs above including for my daughter, role and intimate relationships.
Happiness is Alpha male: They are basically the same thing. Get your balls back (Aubameyang 12-19).
- Don’t break the laws or unwritten rules of where you are, so you stay free.
- Always take charged cellphone into an elevator, in case you need it.